var App = (function ( $, window, document ) { 'use strict'; var App = {}, components = { documentReady: [], pageLoaded: [] }; $( window ).on( 'load', pageLoaded ); $( document ).ready( documentReady ); function documentReady( context ) { context = typeof context == typeof undefined ? $ : context; components.documentReady.forEach( function( component ) { component( context ); }); } function pageLoaded( context ){ context = typeof context == "object" ? $ : context; components.pageLoaded.forEach( function( component ) { component( context ); }); } App.setContext = function ( contextSelector ) { var context = $; if( typeof contextSelector !== typeof undefined ) { return function( selector ) { return $( contextSelector ).find( selector ); }; } return context; }; App.components = components; App.documentReady = documentReady; App.pageLoaded = pageLoaded; return App; }( jQuery, window, document ) ); App = (function (App, $, window, document) { 'use strict'; var documentReady = function ($) { $('.pub_banner').addClass('on'); $(".join_box > div").eq(0).addClass('on'); //婊氬姩浣嶇疆鐩戝惉鎻掍欢璋冪敤 new alan.scrollAnimate(); //浜岀骇瀵艰埅鍒囨崲 $('.pc_nav > ul > .btn_nav').on('click', function () { if ($('.nav_sec_level').hasClass('on')) { $('.nav_sec_level').removeClass('on').slideUp(500); } else { $('.nav_sec_level').addClass('on').slideDown(500); } }); $(document).on("click",function (event) { var eve = $(; if (eve.closest(".header_box").length == 0) { $('.nav_sec_level').removeClass('on').slideUp(500); } else { // console.log('鐐瑰埌鍏冪礌浜?); } }); $(window).scroll(function(){//寮€濮嬬洃鍚粴鍔ㄦ潯 //鑾峰彇褰撳墠婊氬姩鏉¢珮搴 var topp = $(this).scrollTop(); if(topp > 1){ $('.nav_sec_level').removeClass('on').slideUp(500); } }); var swiperAllowTouchMove; var preview2slidesPerView; var wind_w = $(window).width(); if (wind_w > 640) { swiperAllowTouchMove = false; preview2slidesPerView = 3; } else { swiperAllowTouchMove = true; preview2slidesPerView = 1; } //鍔犲叆鎴戜滑鍒囨崲 $(".join_box .join_title").on('click',function () { if(!$(this).parent('div').hasClass("on")){ $(".join_box > div").removeClass("on"); $(this).parent("div").addClass('on') ; }else { $(".join_box > div").removeClass("on"); } }); // 鏃堕棿杞 var les = $(".btn_next_box .obj_time_box > div >div").length; $(".btn_prev_box .obj_time_box > div >div").removeClass('on').eq(les-2).addClass("on"); $(".btn_next").siblings(".obj_time_box").children('div').css({ top: - 100 * ( les + 1 ) +"%" }); $(".btn_prev").siblings(".obj_time_box").children('div').css({ top: - 100 * ( les - 2 ) +"%" }); var detAtText1 =$(".btn_prev_box .obj_time_box").find('.on').next().text().substring(2,3); console.log(detAtText1); var detAtText2 =$(".btn_prev_box .obj_time_box").find('.on').next().text().substring(3,4); console.log(detAtText2); var detAtText3 =$(".btn_prev_box .obj_time_box").find('.on').next().text().substring(0,1); console.log(detAtText3); var detAtText4 =$(".btn_prev_box .obj_time_box").find('.on').next().text().substring(1,2); console.log(detAtText4); $('.at_time_unit > div').animate({ top:- 100 * detAtText2 +"%" },500); $('.at_time_decade > div').animate({ top:- 100 * detAtText1 +"%" },500); $('.at_time_one > div').animate({ top:- 100 * detAtText3 +"%" },500); $('.at_time_two > div').animate({ top:- 100 * detAtText4 +"%" },500); $(".btn_next").on('click',function () { var obj = $(this).siblings(".obj_time_box").children('div'); var atIndex = obj.find('.on').index(); var lenCon = obj.children('div').length; var atText1 =obj.find('.on').text().substring(2,3); var atText2 =obj.find('.on').text().substring(3,4); var atText3 =obj.find('.on').text().substring(0,1); var atText4 =obj.find('.on').text().substring(1,2); obj.css({ top: - 100 * ( atIndex + 1 ) +"%" }); if(atIndex >= lenCon - 1){ $(".btn_next").addClass('disab'); }else if(atIndex >= 1){ $(".btn_prev").removeClass('disab'); } obj.children('div').removeClass('on'); obj.children('div').eq(atIndex +1).addClass('on'); $('.time_con_box > div').hide().eq(atIndex).show(); $('.at_time_unit > div').animate({ top:- 100 * atText2 +"%" },500); $('.at_time_decade > div').animate({ top:- 100 * atText1 +"%" },500); $('.at_time_one > div').animate({ top:- 100 * atText3 +"%" },500); $('.at_time_two > div').animate({ top:- 100 * atText4 +"%" },500); var obj0 = $(".btn_prev_box .obj_time_box ").children('div'); obj0.children('div').removeClass('on'); obj0.children('div').eq(atIndex-1).addClass('on'); obj0.css({ top: - 100 * ( atIndex - 1 ) +"%" }); }); $(".btn_prev").on('click',function () { var obj = $(this).siblings(".obj_time_box").children('div'); var atIndex = obj.find('.on').index(); var atText1 =obj.find('.on').text().substring(2,3); var atText2 =obj.find('.on').text().substring(3,4); var atText3 =obj.find('.on').text().substring(0,1); var atText4 =obj.find('.on').text().substring(1,2); obj.css({ top: - 100 * ( atIndex - 1 ) +"%" }); if(atIndex <= 0){ $(".btn_prev").addClass('disab'); }else if(atIndex >= 3){ $(".btn_next").removeClass('disab'); } $('.at_time_unit > div').animate({ top:- 100 * atText2 +"%" },500); $('.at_time_decade > div').animate({ top:- 100 * atText1 +"%" },500); $('.at_time_one > div').animate({ top:- 100 * atText3 +"%" },500); $('.at_time_two > div').animate({ top:- 100 * atText4 +"%" },500); obj.children('div').removeClass('on'); obj.children('div').eq(atIndex - 1).addClass('on'); $('.time_con_box > div').hide().eq(atIndex).show(); var obj0 = $(".btn_next_box .obj_time_box ").children('div'); obj0.children('div').removeClass('on'); obj0.children('div').eq(atIndex + 1).addClass('on'); obj0.css({ top: - 100 * ( atIndex + 1 ) +"%" }); }); var spWidth = $(window).width(); if(spWidth < 768){ $('.screen6 .vid_box video').remove(); } }; = { documentReady: documentReady }; App.components.documentReady.push(documentReady); return App; }(App, jQuery, window, document)); App = ( function ( App, $, window, document ) { 'use strict'; var documentReady = function( $ ) { /** * jQuery || Zepto Parallax Plugin * @author Matthew Wagerfield - @wagerfield * @description Creates a parallax effect between an array of layers, * driving the motion from the gyroscope output of a smartdevice. * If no gyroscope is available, the cursor position is used. */ ;(function($, window, document, undefined) { // // Strict Mode // 'use strict'; // Constants var NAME = 'parallax'; var MAGIC_NUMBER = 30; var DEFAULTS = { relativeInput: false, clipRelativeInput: false, calibrationThreshold: 100, calibrationDelay: 500, supportDelay: 500, calibrateX: false, calibrateY: true, invertX: true, invertY: true, limitX: false, limitY: false, scalarX: 10.0, scalarY: 10.0, frictionX: 0.1, frictionY: 0.1, originX: 0.5, originY: 0.5, pointerEvents: true, precision: 1 }; function Plugin(element, options) { // DOM Context this.element = element; // Selections this.$context = $(element).data('api', this); this.$layers = this.$context.find('.layer'); // Data Extraction var data = { calibrateX: this.$'calibrate-x') || null, calibrateY: this.$'calibrate-y') || null, invertX: this.$'invert-x') || null, invertY: this.$'invert-y') || null, limitX: parseFloat(this.$'limit-x')) || null, limitY: parseFloat(this.$'limit-y')) || null, scalarX: parseFloat(this.$'scalar-x')) || null, scalarY: parseFloat(this.$'scalar-y')) || null, frictionX: parseFloat(this.$'friction-x')) || null, frictionY: parseFloat(this.$'friction-y')) || null, originX: parseFloat(this.$'origin-x')) || null, originY: parseFloat(this.$'origin-y')) || null, pointerEvents: this.$'pointer-events') || true, precision: parseFloat(this.$'precision')) || 1 }; // Delete Null Data Values for (var key in data) { if (data[key] === null) delete data[key]; } // Compose Settings Object $.extend(this, DEFAULTS, options, data); // States this.calibrationTimer = null; this.calibrationFlag = true; this.enabled = false; this.depthsX = []; this.depthsY = []; this.raf = null; // Element Bounds this.bounds = null; this.ex = 0; this.ey = 0; this.ew = 0; = 0; // Element Center this.ecx = 0; this.ecy = 0; // Element Range this.erx = 0; this.ery = 0; // Calibration = 0; = 0; // Input this.ix = 0; this.iy = 0; // Motion = 0; = 0; // Velocity this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; // Callbacks this.onMouseMove = this.onMouseMove.bind(this); this.onDeviceOrientation = this.onDeviceOrientation.bind(this); this.onOrientationTimer = this.onOrientationTimer.bind(this); this.onCalibrationTimer = this.onCalibrationTimer.bind(this); this.onAnimationFrame = this.onAnimationFrame.bind(this); this.onWindowResize = this.onWindowResize.bind(this); // Initialise this.initialise(); } Plugin.prototype.transformSupport = function(value) { var element = document.createElement('div'); var propertySupport = false; var propertyValue = null; var featureSupport = false; var cssProperty = null; var jsProperty = null; for (var i = 0, l = this.vendors.length; i < l; i++) { if (this.vendors[i] !== null) { cssProperty = this.vendors[i][0] + 'transform'; jsProperty = this.vendors[i][1] + 'Transform'; } else { cssProperty = 'transform'; jsProperty = 'transform'; } if ([jsProperty] !== undefined) { propertySupport = true; break; } } switch(value) { case '2D': featureSupport = propertySupport; break; case '3D': if (propertySupport) { var body = document.body || document.createElement('body'); var documentElement = document.documentElement; var documentOverflow =; var isCreatedBody = false; if (!document.body) { isCreatedBody = true; = 'hidden'; documentElement.appendChild(body); = 'hidden'; = ''; } body.appendChild(element);[jsProperty] = 'translate3d(1px,1px,1px)'; propertyValue = window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(cssProperty); featureSupport = propertyValue !== undefined && propertyValue.length > 0 && propertyValue !== "none"; = documentOverflow; body.removeChild(element); if ( isCreatedBody ) { body.removeAttribute('style'); body.parentNode.removeChild(body); } } break; } return featureSupport; }; Plugin.prototype.ww = null; Plugin.prototype.wh = null; Plugin.prototype.wcx = null; Plugin.prototype.wcy = null; Plugin.prototype.wrx = null; Plugin.prototype.wry = null; Plugin.prototype.portrait = null; Plugin.prototype.desktop = !navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry|BB10|mobi|tablet|opera mini|nexus 7)/i); Plugin.prototype.vendors = [null,['-webkit-','webkit'],['-moz-','Moz'],['-o-','O'],['-ms-','ms']]; Plugin.prototype.motionSupport = !!window.DeviceMotionEvent; Plugin.prototype.orientationSupport = !!window.DeviceOrientationEvent; Plugin.prototype.orientationStatus = 0; Plugin.prototype.transform2DSupport = Plugin.prototype.transformSupport('2D'); Plugin.prototype.transform3DSupport = Plugin.prototype.transformSupport('3D'); Plugin.prototype.propertyCache = {}; Plugin.prototype.initialise = function() { // Configure Styles if (this.$context.css('position') === 'static') { this.$context.css({ position:'relative' }); } // Pointer events if(!this.pointerEvents){ this.$context.css({ pointerEvents: 'none' }); } // Hardware Accelerate Context this.accelerate(this.$context); // Setup this.updateLayers(); this.updateDimensions(); this.enable(); this.queueCalibration(this.calibrationDelay); }; Plugin.prototype.updateLayers = function() { // Cache Layer Elements this.$layers = this.$context.find('.layer'); this.depthsX = []; this.depthsY = []; // Configure Layer Styles this.$layers.css({ position:'absolute', display:'block', left: 0, top: 0 }); this.$layers.first().css({ position:'relative' }); // Hardware Accelerate Layers this.accelerate(this.$layers); // Cache Depths this.$layers.each($.proxy(function(index, element) { //Graceful fallback on depth if depth-x or depth-y is absent var depth = $(element).data('depth') || 0; this.depthsX.push($(element).data('depth-x') || depth); this.depthsY.push($(element).data('depth-y') || depth); }, this)); }; Plugin.prototype.updateDimensions = function() { this.ww = window.innerWidth; this.wh = window.innerHeight; this.wcx = this.ww * this.originX; this.wcy = this.wh * this.originY; this.wrx = Math.max(this.wcx, this.ww - this.wcx); this.wry = Math.max(this.wcy, this.wh - this.wcy); }; Plugin.prototype.updateBounds = function() { this.bounds = this.element.getBoundingClientRect(); this.ex = this.bounds.left; this.ey =; this.ew = this.bounds.width; = this.bounds.height; this.ecx = this.ew * this.originX; this.ecy = * this.originY; this.erx = Math.max(this.ecx, this.ew - this.ecx); this.ery = Math.max(this.ecy, - this.ecy); }; Plugin.prototype.queueCalibration = function(delay) { clearTimeout(this.calibrationTimer); this.calibrationTimer = setTimeout(this.onCalibrationTimer, delay); }; Plugin.prototype.enable = function() { if (!this.enabled) { this.enabled = true; if (this.orientationSupport) { this.portrait = null; window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', this.onDeviceOrientation); setTimeout(this.onOrientationTimer, this.supportDelay); } else { = 0; = 0; this.portrait = false; window.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove); } window.addEventListener('resize', this.onWindowResize); this.raf = requestAnimationFrame(this.onAnimationFrame); } }; Plugin.prototype.disable = function() { if (this.enabled) { this.enabled = false; if (this.orientationSupport) { window.removeEventListener('deviceorientation', this.onDeviceOrientation); } else { window.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove); } window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onWindowResize); cancelAnimationFrame(this.raf); } }; Plugin.prototype.calibrate = function(x, y) { this.calibrateX = x === undefined ? this.calibrateX : x; this.calibrateY = y === undefined ? this.calibrateY : y; }; Plugin.prototype.invert = function(x, y) { this.invertX = x === undefined ? this.invertX : x; this.invertY = y === undefined ? this.invertY : y; }; Plugin.prototype.friction = function(x, y) { this.frictionX = x === undefined ? this.frictionX : x; this.frictionY = y === undefined ? this.frictionY : y; }; Plugin.prototype.scalar = function(x, y) { this.scalarX = x === undefined ? this.scalarX : x; this.scalarY = y === undefined ? this.scalarY : y; }; Plugin.prototype.limit = function(x, y) { this.limitX = x === undefined ? this.limitX : x; this.limitY = y === undefined ? this.limitY : y; }; Plugin.prototype.origin = function(x, y) { this.originX = x === undefined ? this.originX : x; this.originY = y === undefined ? this.originY : y; }; Plugin.prototype.clamp = function(value, min, max) { value = Math.max(value, min); value = Math.min(value, max); return value; }; Plugin.prototype.css = function(element, property, value) { var jsProperty = this.propertyCache[property]; if (!jsProperty) { for (var i = 0, l = this.vendors.length; i < l; i++) { if (this.vendors[i] !== null) { jsProperty = $.camelCase(this.vendors[i][1] + '-' + property); } else { jsProperty = property; } if ([jsProperty] !== undefined) { this.propertyCache[property] = jsProperty; break; } } }[jsProperty] = value; }; Plugin.prototype.accelerate = function($element) { for (var i = 0, l = $element.length; i < l; i++) { var element = $element[i]; this.css(element, 'transform', 'translate3d(0,0,0)'); this.css(element, 'transform-style', 'preserve-3d'); this.css(element, 'backface-visibility', 'hidden'); } }; Plugin.prototype.setPosition = function(element, x, y) { x += 'px'; y += 'px'; if (this.transform3DSupport) { this.css(element, 'transform', 'translate3d('+x+','+y+',0)'); } else if (this.transform2DSupport) { this.css(element, 'transform', 'translate('+x+','+y+')'); } else { = x; = y; } }; Plugin.prototype.onOrientationTimer = function(event) { if (this.orientationSupport && this.orientationStatus === 0) { this.disable(); this.orientationSupport = false; this.enable(); } }; Plugin.prototype.onCalibrationTimer = function(event) { this.calibrationFlag = true; }; Plugin.prototype.onWindowResize = function(event) { this.updateDimensions(); }; Plugin.prototype.onAnimationFrame = function() { this.updateBounds(); var dx = this.ix -; var dy = this.iy -; if ((Math.abs(dx) > this.calibrationThreshold) || (Math.abs(dy) > this.calibrationThreshold)) { this.queueCalibration(0); } if (this.portrait) { = this.calibrateX ? dy : this.iy; = this.calibrateY ? dx : this.ix; } else { = this.calibrateX ? dx : this.ix; = this.calibrateY ? dy : this.iy; } *= this.ew * (this.scalarX / 100); *= * (this.scalarY / 100); if (!isNaN(parseFloat(this.limitX))) { = this.clamp(, -this.limitX, this.limitX); } if (!isNaN(parseFloat(this.limitY))) { = this.clamp(, -this.limitY, this.limitY); } this.vx += ( - this.vx) * this.frictionX; this.vy += ( - this.vy) * this.frictionY; for (var i = 0, l = this.$layers.length; i < l; i++) { var depthX = this.depthsX[i]; var depthY = this.depthsY[i]; var layer = this.$layers[i]; var xOffset = this.vx * (depthX * (this.invertX ? -1 : 1)); var yOffset = this.vy * (depthY * (this.invertY ? -1 : 1)); this.setPosition(layer, xOffset, yOffset); } this.raf = requestAnimationFrame(this.onAnimationFrame); }; Plugin.prototype.onDeviceOrientation = function(event) { // Validate environment and event properties. if (!this.desktop && event.beta !== null && event.gamma !== null) { // Set orientation status. this.orientationStatus = 1; // Extract Rotation var x = (event.beta || 0) / MAGIC_NUMBER; // -90 :: 90 var y = (event.gamma || 0) / MAGIC_NUMBER; // -180 :: 180 // Detect Orientation Change var portrait = window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth; if (this.portrait !== portrait) { this.portrait = portrait; this.calibrationFlag = true; } // Set Calibration if (this.calibrationFlag) { this.calibrationFlag = false; = x; = y; } // Set Input this.ix = x; this.iy = y; } }; Plugin.prototype.onMouseMove = function(event) { // Cache mouse coordinates. var clientX = event.clientX; var clientY = event.clientY; // Calculate Mouse Input if (!this.orientationSupport && this.relativeInput) { // Clip mouse coordinates inside element bounds. if (this.clipRelativeInput) { clientX = Math.max(clientX, this.ex); clientX = Math.min(clientX, this.ex + this.ew); clientY = Math.max(clientY, this.ey); clientY = Math.min(clientY, this.ey +; } // Calculate input relative to the element. this.ix = (clientX - this.ex - this.ecx) / this.erx; this.iy = (clientY - this.ey - this.ecy) / this.ery; } else { // Calculate input relative to the window. this.ix = (clientX - this.wcx) / this.wrx; this.iy = (clientY - this.wcy) / this.wry; } }; var API = { enable: Plugin.prototype.enable, disable: Plugin.prototype.disable, updateLayers: Plugin.prototype.updateLayers, calibrate: Plugin.prototype.calibrate, friction: Plugin.prototype.friction, invert: Plugin.prototype.invert, scalar: Plugin.prototype.scalar, limit: Plugin.prototype.limit, origin: Plugin.prototype.origin }; $.fn[NAME] = function (value) { var args = arguments; return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var plugin = $; if (!plugin) { plugin = new Plugin(this, value); $, plugin); } if (API[value]) { plugin[value].apply(plugin,, 1)); } }); }; })(window.jQuery || window.Zepto, window, document); /** * Request Animation Frame Polyfill. * @author Tino Zijdel * @author Paul Irish * @see */ ;(function() { var lastTime = 0; var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o']; for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) { window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame']; window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']; } if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) { window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) { var currTime = new Date().getTime(); var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime)); var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); }, timeToCall); lastTime = currTime + timeToCall; return id; }; } if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame) { window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) { clearTimeout(id); }; } }()); // Yep, that's it! // $('#scene').parallax(); $('#scene').parallax({ calibrateX: false, calibrateY: true, invertX: false, invertY: true, limitX: false, limitY: 10, scalarX: 1, scalarY: 4, frictionX: 0.2, frictionY: 0.8 }); }; = { documentReady : documentReady }; App.components.documentReady.push( documentReady ); return App; }( App, jQuery, window, document ) ); App = ( function ( App, $, window, document ) { 'use strict'; var pageLoaded = function( $ ) { var sumPro = $('.ind_pro_list_box .ind_pro_list_case').length; $(".pro_sum").text(sumPro); }; = { pageLoaded : pageLoaded }; App.components.pageLoaded.push( pageLoaded ); return App; }( App, jQuery, window, document ) );